
5 Stubborn Stains and Tips to Tackle Them

By June 28, 2023
Post Views: 5000

An infographic showing how to tackle five of the most stubborn stains.

When it comes to effective stain removal, the quicker you take action, the more likely you are to see positive results. Stains are a pain but you can't go through life worrying about whether someone is going to spill red wine on your cream carpet or changing your kids into old clothes every time they eat a meal. Instead, you just need a little knowledge on how to get rid of stains quickly and luckily for you we've got the answers!

Household Basics for Stain Removal

There are hundreds and thousands of stain removal products in the supermarkets, all claiming to work wonders on your clothing, carpets and upholstery but did you know many of the items already stocked in your home can be just as effective? Household basics like washing up liquid, bicarbonate of soda, white vinegar and salt can be used to remove stains from your clothing and carpets. It's just about knowing what to use when! Take a look at our handy infographic above, which features five of the most stubborn stains and useful products and tips for tackling them.

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Need a little more guidance? See some more tips for tackling those tricky stains below...

1. Coffee

We've all been there, enjoying our morning cup of coffee, only to splash it down our work shirt. In that moment, it can feel like the world is ending but the good news is, fresh coffee stains are actually pretty easy to deal with! Simply try running water through the back of the stained item of clothing and keep going until the water runs clear.

If that doesn't work or you are dealing with an older, more stubborn stain, you can try treating it with washing up liquid. Lather it up, before washing the soap away with a white vinegar solution.

Coffee carpet stains can be a little more tricky to tackle but not impossible! Again, if the stain is fresh, cold water may lift it sufficiently. It's worth giving it a go, before blotting your carpet to soak up the moisture. If this doesn't work, try mixing a tablespoon of washing up liquid with a tablespoon of white vinegar and two cups of water. Pour it over the stained area and blot up with a clean cloth.

Red wine being poured into a glass

2. Red Wine

Red wine stains often look scarier than they actually are. Don't panic, just act quickly! First, start by blotting the stain with a cloth. Try not to rub the stain though as this can set it into the fibres of the material. Next, pull the fabric taught - you could use a large washing up bowl or work surface for this and sprinkle it with salt. The salt will begin to absorb the liquid and lift the stain. You will need to leave it to work its magic for at least five minutes. Once the time has passed, pour boiling water from your kettle, over the stain and wash it flush away. Finally, pop your item in the washing machine to finish off the job!

3. Grease

Grease stains like milk, butter and oil, can be particularly stubborn because they cling to clothing fibres and unfortunately, water doesn't cut through them. As with most stains, we recommend blotting away any excess grease first. The more you get rid of, the less you have to tackle later! In order to lift the stain, you'll need to use something like washing up liquid, which will cut through the grease but won't damage your clothing. Work in the solution using an old toothbrush (creating circular motions) and allow it to soak for around thirty minutes. Machine wash on a heavy duty setting with a good detergent and wave goodbye to the grease stain for good.

4. Grass

Grass stains commonly crop up on clothing, particularly in the summertime and can be rather pesky due to its chlorophyll. Although annoying, the good news is that grass stains can be removed from clothing with rubbing alcohol and water, or for carpets, a mild detergent and water. Sometimes it takes a bit of elbow grease to get the stain out (the solutions will need working into the stain thoroughly) and you may even need to use a little hydrogen peroxide but as with all chemicals, take great care in doing so.

Colourful crayons

5. Crayon

Wax crayons - a nightmare for parents, especially when you've turned your back for two seconds and the little loves of your life have decided to redecorate your wall. You'll be glad to know though, that it should clean off with a small amount of dish detergent and water. It's a good idea to scrape any excess wax crayon off your wall with a spoon first though, to prevent it from being spread around. Don't forget to dry your wall afterwards and hide the wax crayons (at least for a little while!)

We'll just round this off by saying that it's important to take great care when creating stain removal solutions and cleaning products at home. There are certain chemicals that should never be mixed, like ammonia and bleach, which together, cause toxic fumes. Stick to natural products wherever possible and if in doubt, there's always the option to contact a professional cleaning company for help.

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